listen to this post? don’t mind if i do. that’s so awesome and thanks for using the feature. game changer for my enjoyment of the blog as a visually impaired person.
The audio version is really brilliant. Might it be possible to send them out over the FX podcast RSS feed at some point, or would that be too much hassle? Thanks again!
I'd just like to say that I also really appreciate the voiceover! I'm a terrible reader & severely behind on the newsletter, so this will help me to not miss so many going foreword. Thanks for all the hard work you put into your newsletter, Derek!
Derek!! I so so so appreciate you and your hard work to make this excellent newsletter as accessible as possible. The voiceover is a stroke of genius - and I would love for this voiceover to be a standalone podcast feed that I could pop into my feed.
listen to this post? don’t mind if i do. that’s so awesome and thanks for using the feature. game changer for my enjoyment of the blog as a visually impaired person.
Really glad to hear this!
The voiceover worked seamlessly, thanks for doing it Derek!
Just wanted to say I love the audio version! Thanks a bunch!
The audio version is really brilliant. Might it be possible to send them out over the FX podcast RSS feed at some point, or would that be too much hassle? Thanks again!
I'd just like to say that I also really appreciate the voiceover! I'm a terrible reader & severely behind on the newsletter, so this will help me to not miss so many going foreword. Thanks for all the hard work you put into your newsletter, Derek!
Thanks for doing an audio version! Helps me get informed hands-free while I'm stumbling around trying to make coffee in the morning
Derek!! I so so so appreciate you and your hard work to make this excellent newsletter as accessible as possible. The voiceover is a stroke of genius - and I would love for this voiceover to be a standalone podcast feed that I could pop into my feed.