
As always, if you have any questions for Kate please get them in within the next couple of weeks, after which the comments will be closed.

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Kate - If you served in an advisory role to President Biden what realistic direction would you give him? I ask because I think we overplay the actual power of the President (this is critical to our own belief that we do live in a democracy and our votes matter) - and we underplay how much his decisions are actually cabined by material conditions and bureaucratic intransigence. I suppose the President *could* order the Pentagon to shut down and abandon all US military bases in the middle east but the backlash/intransigence would be so fast and furious that no President would ever try it.

My point is that I wonder how much the President can actually do besides simply shifting rhetoric in a different direction and hope that this opens up space for incremental changes. This is NOT a defense of Biden at all - it's rather a deep indictment of our entire system of government.

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